Deep Tech Talent Training Prize
The Deep Tech Talent Training Prize rewards excellence in addressing Deep Tech training challenges. Awards are given to applicants who demonstrate excellence in addressing a challenge in a Deep Tech Talent Initiative area group in one of the two prize categories: Partner Training and Targeted Training around the Deep Tech Talent Initiative area groups.

Important information on the prize:
- Objective: Awarding excellence in addressed deep tech training challenges
- Eligibility: Open to all Horizon Europe eligible entities that are Deep Tech Talent Initiative pledgers and have completed relevant quality check.
- Prizes: Up to EUR 60 000 per entity (up to 16 prizes awarded)
- Application: Application form, Microsoft PPT Pitch deck, 1–2-minute video pitch
Important dates:
- 10 July 2023: Prize Open
- 27 July 2023: First info-session!
- 22 September 2023: Deadline to sign the Deep Tech Talent Initiative pledge and submit quality check
- 31 October 2023: Deep Tech Talent Training Prize Close
Learn more about the Deep Tech Talent Initiative here and all details about the Deep Tech Talent Training Prize here.