SheCodes MeetUp

Zveme všechny ženy a dívky se zájmem o AI, robotiku, technologie a inovace na neformální akci „SheCodes MeetUP“, která se koná ve středu 19. června 2024. Akce se můžete zúčastnit osobně i online a v rámci programu budou představny i aktuální porgramy EIT Manufacturing mířící na ženy inovátorky.
Hlavním cílem meetupu je propojení dívek a žen (studentek, výzkumnic, manažerek, podnikatelek, inovátorek, technoložek atd.) a sdílení zkušeností, které přispěly k tomu, že se věnují tomuto oboru. Celá akce bude probíhat v anglickém jazyce.
Kde: Český institut informatiky, robotiky a kybernetiky, Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, 160 00 Praha 6, Dejvice
Kdy: 19. června 2024 od 16:30
16:00 – 16:30 Registrace
16:30 – 16:40 Welcome and Opening Remarks
Introduction to the SheCodes MeetUp and how the event will be organised
Welcome word of the hosts (remotely):
VISION and NoEs by Beatrice Bozzao, Intellera Consulting, Italy
RICAIP by Tilman Becker, DFKI/ CIIRC CTU
16:40 – 17:00 Part I: Call for inspiring talks from women of any age and career stage in AI, robotics, ICT, and tech innovation!
Feel free to nominate your up to 5 min talk/interview!
We are delighted to give the floor also to:
- Prof. Olga Štěpánková, CIIRC CTU; Head of the department Biomedical Engineering and Assistive Technology (BEAT)
- Megi Mejdrechová, RoboTwin; CTO and co-founder of a start-up that brings no-code robotics to the manufacturing industry
- Tejumade Afonja, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security | ELSA; PhD researcher focusing on private synthetic data generation
- Jessica Colombel, Loria, CNRS; PhD researcher intetested in human-robot interaction and human motion
- Anna Bucchieri, IIT / Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, euROBIN; PhD Student Fellow in the Rehab Technologies – INAIL-IIT lab coping with Rehabilitation Robotics

17:00 – 17:30 Part II: Roundtable – Speak up, be heard!
Any participant is welcome to share her story – onsite or online, simply join our discussion, introduce yourself and tell us your story, experience, motivation and thoughts!
17:30 – 17:40 Do not miss the opportunities provided within our ecosystems:
ROBOPROX Grant for Young Female Talents by Karla Štěpánová, CIIRC CTU
EIT Manufacturing RIS Leaders Call 2024 by Anna Tahovská, CIIRC CTU
17:40 – 18:30 Networking Opportunities with refreshments
Informal networking sessions to encourage open dialogue and connection among participants.
The hybrid format ensures both in-person and online attendees can interact seamlessly.
18:30 Closing Remarks
Encouragement for continued connection and collaboration among participants