
Zapojte se do projektů EIT Manufacturing

ČVUT se díky EIT Manufacturing zapojilo do následujících projektů

Projekty 2020
AkronymNázev projektuZapojení ČVUT v projektu
DigTrafoRisDigital Transformation in RISCIIRC
DSLEIT labelled PhDFME
EIT M RIS HubsEIT Manufacturing RIS HubsCIIRC
LIFT EuropePanEuropean Network of Learning FactoriesCIIRC
M-NEST-RISNetwork for Empowering People in Added-Value Manufacturing Systems and TechnologiesCIIRC
Mach4.0Learning Factory for implementation Industry 4.0 in MachiningFME
ManuLearnLearning through manufacturing challengesFME
YMLYoung Manufacturing LeadersFME
Projekty 2021
AkronymNázev projektuZapojení ČVUT v projektu
AIMS2AI for Manufacturing SMEs and StudentsCIIRC
M-NEST-2Network for Empowering People in Added-Value Manufacturing Systems and TechnologiesCIIRC
ManuLearn IILearning through manufacturing challenges IICIIRC
RIS I40 HubRIS Industry 4.0 HubsCIIRC
SEEN for LightweightingSimulation Enhanced/Enabled Nuggets for Learning and Mastering Manufacturing for LightweightingFME
ShapiNG IIShaping the Next Generation of manufacturing professionalsFME
YML – TWOYoung Manufacturing Leaders – Talented Workforce for an Open societyFME
Projekty 2022
AkronymNázev projektuZapojení ČVUT v projektu
ConFactsMulti-layer Connected Factories with hybrid conventional and digital componentsCIIRC
Demo4GreenGreen Manufacturing: Demonstrating technologies to fight Climate ChangeCIIRC
AMazEDDemand-driven additive manufacturing upskilling in RIS countriesCIIRC
RIEMANNROS-based Education of Advanced Motion Planning and ControlCIIRC
SmartDIGISmart Educational Framework for DIGItalizationCIIRC
FactoRIS IILearning Factories for Digital Transformation of SMEs IICIIRC
Projekty 2023
LogoAkronymNázev projektuZapojení ČVUT v projektu
 FlexmanExperiential Learning for Flexible and Resilient ManufacturingFME
Confacts IIMulti-layer Connected Factories with hybrid conventional and digital componentsCIIRC
RoboTwinRoboTwin – motion imitating roboticsCIIRC
AI4ENGINEAI for wEaviNG kpIs moNitoring and prEdiction to EIT Manufacturing!CIIRC
REIMANN IIROS-based Education of Advanced Motion Planning and ControlCIIRC
Projekty 2024
LogoAkronymNázev projektuZapojení ČVUT v projektu
Confacts IIMulti-layer Connected Factories with hybrid conventional and digital componentsCIIRC
CAPP_AI4.0Learning about AI and digitalization for a more efficient computer-aided process planning in Machining 4.0FME
Self-MadeSelf-management & device digitalization in manufacturingFME
YML-TWOYoung Manufacturing Leaders – Talented Workforce for an Open societyFME
EIT M RIS HubsEIT Manufacturing RIS HubsCIIRC
DSLDoctoral SchoolFME